Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A blog about corey nichols (and also certain religious folk kinda suck)

Yeah i couldn't think of a good title so shush.

I've thought about what would be my first actual post, that wasn't just the introduction, on my new blog for sometime. The one i chose was something i shared on facebook very recently ago and i thought i'd expand upon it some more. As you can tell from the title, it's about how corey nichols, a gay teen, was tossed out by his birth family and was recently adopted by a much better family. This was a story that filled me with two emotions: joy and malice. joy because corey found love and comfort in a group of people that he can now call a family and malice because his birth family are worse than dried up bear dung.

It should come to no surprise that religion, like any massive group/community, has its fair share of illogical nut jobs and to say that corey's birth family pretty much fit into that category of shitting bats crazy is a big fat "duh". Especially when corey's waste of space of a father says that not only were gay people sin itself, but flat out threatened to kill any gay individual that set foot into his house. More often than not, i can't help but wonder when these "followers" of the all mighty big guy in the sky read the bible they claim they get their teachings from, they ever stop and wonder if these teachings might actually be completely out of date by today's standards and are rendered null and void by now. Sadly, that would imply that they use more than a small fraction of their brain capacity that isn't "hate anyone that's different, cause god hates people that are different", last i checked, the bible never made mention of that. Speaking of which, i need to side track for a moment to say this: christians, if you're getting your teachings from the OLD testament and not the NEW testament, then there's your problem right there, but i digress.

It's one thing to hate someone for their sexuality, it's 5x worse when that person is your own child. When you've reached the point that you're not just a bonkers bible humper, but your close minded-ness cause you to kick your gay son out of your life because you can't accept that your kid isn't a brainwashed fuck like you, not only are you not fit to be a parent, but you have no right to call yourself a christian. Any decent minded christian would tell you that hating someone for their race, sexuality, beliefs, etc. is a massive no-no and makes baby jesus sad. Of course when an overly religious fruit loop is given logical reasoning and common sense, they instantly stick their fingers in their ears and go, "la la la la la la" as if they're above any of that and that they're right.

I noticed that at this point i gone off onto a tangent about crazy religious individuals, but it's still one of the main factors that play into this story. Corey was driven away by his own family all because he likes guys and they can't comprehend this. not even his own siblings, hailey and james, helped him out here, in fact, they're just as stupid and hateful as the same people that brainwashed them into thinking something this rancid, aka they're parents. Right after corey was adopted, they [his blood related siblings], along with their mom at one point, came forth with comments that make them worse than how they actually look. Such words of wisdom like:

"For all you that read my brothers little pity story on here, it’s a joke and I’m honestly in shock someone has enough nerve to lie about shit like that. Yes some is true but the major key points are false. If anyone has a problem come to me my brother is a fake and a coward. He has the power to manipulate a person better then anyone I know."

"They knew exactly what they were doing. Funny how Corey’s “story” was published the day after gay marriage becomes legal in some parts of MI."

"Exactly fucking homos. You know why every homo is successful. Because they our selfish and all they care about is themselves."

"I cant believe it myself, we never kicked corey out, he left. he was in no danger from his dad, he would never hurt corey, he just don’t believe in gays he don’t support it, he has his beliefs."

And the funniest one for me:

"Karma is a bitch and it’s coming his way."

Now that your brain hasn't melted into a pile of ooze and you haven't set something on fire in fit of toxic rage, allow me to put this incredibly bluntly about corey's "family", they're all retards.

Shocker there, i know, but it's almost hard for me to dissect each of these comments without me mindlessly insulting their very intelligence, or lack thereof, but i seem to have already did that more than once so once the use of doing so? Plus, when i first read the story and got before this part of it, i almost half expected hailey and james to be, at the very least, slightly smarter than their parents. NOPE. Turns out that corey is the only one that isn't a hateful mouth breather.

This also plays into another big problem with society: when ignorance and hate come into play. It's always a hard thing to accept, but this isn't the first time something like this has happened: a kid/teen is shunned by everyone, including their own family, just for being different. There's always gonna be that one person who can't seem to understand that they're are different people, in terms of almost everything, and the first thing they do is hate that person for being different. Is there a way to try and stop this? It's not permanent, but the best way to combat ignorance is knowledge. Learning and understanding is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You are given the tools to teach yourself and others how to go through life learning about everything,or in the very least, just as much as you possibly can. Religion is no exception and you want to know what's the number one thing that religion teaches you?

Be a good person and don't be a complete ass.

It is one of the most obvious, most easiest thing to learn from religion and yet some people either ignore it or, like a majority of the passages from the bible, they twist and turn it all around to their own demented liking. Just like corey's "family" did.

The best thing that came from this story is, not only did his horrendous family get exposed for the sociopathic bigots that they are, but most importantly, he finally has a new family that can love him for what he is and a place he can now call home. Here's to corey leading much happier life and as for the nichol's, well when one of them said that they hope karma comes corey's way, well i can only hope that happens to them at some point in their lives, but what do i know? I'm not as pants on head nutty as them.

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